A catalogue of historical and geografical books, pamphlets and manuscripts relating to America - PDF
Rare Americana - A catalogue of historical and geografical books, pamphlets and manuscripts relating to America
Catalogue du libraire Henry Stevens, Londres en 1927. 608 p. 2156 numéros.
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Introduction :
After many years, we are pleased to present a special Catalogue of Rare Americana. This catalogue features a small but carefully selected portion of our extensive stock, aiming to offer something of interest to all our readers. Given the high demand for historical materials, gathering such a collection has been challenging. We have included two indices—one for Authors and Titles, and another for Subjects—to avoid repetition and aid navigation.
Significant time and care have been devoted to compiling this catalogue, and we hope the descriptive notes will be of sufficient bibliographical interest to make this volume a valuable reference work. Collectors and librarians who do not find what they need are invited to send us a list of their desired items. With our stock of thousands of books, pamphlets, maps, and more related to America, we may be able to fulfill many of their requirements.
Additionally, we are pleased to announce that as of January 1st, 1926, Mr. Roland A. L. Tree, son-in-law of our Mr. Henry N. Stevens, has been admitted as a partner in the firm after being associated with it for several years.
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